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Educational Coaching Services

Navigating Your Child's Education

Collaborative Parenting

The Path to Your Child's Success

Are you struggling to navigate your child's education? Does homework and schooling impact your home life? As an educational coach, I provide personalized coaching services to help you understand the educational system and establish goals for your child's education. Let me be your strategic partner in this journey.

Special Education Services

Expert Guidance

Every child deserves a quality education. That's why I provide expert guidance on special education services and how to be your child's advocate in the educational system. My services are customized to meet the specific needs of each client. Contact me to find out how I can help today.

Parent Conferences

A Comprehensive Approach

Parent-teacher conferences can be overwhelming and confusing. Let me help you know what to ask and how to understand the educational data presented. My coaching services focus on collaborative parenting, ensuring that you can confidently advocate for your child's education. Book an introductory meeting today to learn more about how I can help.

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